- Allah swt iyalah pasti ya
- HANTU hihih
- badut
- ondel ondel
- Boneka hantu chuckie ih
hey maaf ya lg jarang ngepost soalnya ya lupa2 mulu haha. as you may know hari jumat ada acara internal band yg isinya lomba band se-smp alpus sm postering alpus cup and congratulation to lucky potatoes(1st place band) hauhau tadinya gw disuruh ikut lucky potatoes tuh tapi gara gara ada lomba bejat itu jd gk ikutan deh ah ksl. okedeh without more further ado, gw mau kasih tau ttg lomba sinting itu sumpah gua mana pernah sesetres ini Cuma buat nunggu giliran udah kaya ngurus nomor posyandu taugak najis apaan tuh lomba gitu. jadi di smp x 4(nama samaran) itu dibikin lomba
Rasyad : hati2 syan lu bawa anak orang semua (
Irsyan : Anak orang siapa? (orang pinter biasa bisa setres juga)
Romy : iya tapi yg pake kacamata yg rusuh heboh sendiri kayaknya anak monyet deh(nunjuk gua)
Maya : ……………………………setan.
terus kita tadi rasis abis lohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:p sorry for the involved third party ya we didn’t really mean that. terus akhirnya ngomongin mister p ms. k and mrs. f hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii serem abis takut men cerita ttg misteri masyatuhan ckck trs nyampe alpus ada caleg namanya RIMHOT TURNIP buset vulgar abis WAKAKA sorry sorry udahdeh postnya ya
Hello all, as usual welcome to my errrrr….Blog! yes okay I want to tell y’all about my ehm little one. No, he’s not my son, dog, or even my lil brother or something related. Cos em, who knows that we’ll gonna be a man and wife in the next ten years? HAHA DREAM ON. He’s an idol. He rocks dude, when he sings it’s lyk he owns the world haha that was too much wasn’t it? Okay lemme get this straight. He’s a total rockstar dude. He’s cute cos he’s 11, he’s an actual handsome guy who’s out to impress. He’s all that. Who is that guy? Who is he? Is it a bird? No silly. Meet Cakka Nuraga! Have you ever heard of idola cilik 2? He is one of the contestants. But you must know when he sings....darn I can’t help it I like this guy HAHA Okay okay that was akward because I like a little dude which is 3 years above me. Despite all of that, he’s freakin’ awesome!!! Just like jason mraz: (8)I tried to be chill but he’s so hot that I melted, I fell down to the ground, but I tried to get back(8) Nah I’m just a big fan that’s all A really huge fan. I’m a big fat fan of an itsy beetsy teenie weenie kid. Damn, I’m proud. Of course it’s not a guilt pleasure. No not at all,In fact, two of my friends are a fan too. Too bad we never see him live (yet) but wait for us mwahahahaha*evil laugh* (mind the laughs cause I borrowed it from some evil cliques) okay some information about cakka, he’s a leoooooooooo! Just like me. We both have the same birthday monthhhhhhhhhhhh!! huahuahuhvgkfndhsbkehft:) don’t even dare to say “I don’t care” or “I don’t ask” or something in common cos IM TELLIN YA when it comes to bapuk-ing I’m totally not good at it. I’m just not into it*sigh* Okay I’m keeping it real dude.i’m not hopeless. I’M HOPEFOOLFULL you know as twista says (8)though I’m hopefull yes I am. Hopefull for today take this music and music, let it take you away and be hopefull, then you’ll make a way, I know it ain’t easy but that’s ok(8)
well This is maya signing off I’ll meet you at the same site; supercoolmaya.blogspot.com, for more unimportant nuts stories!! Grr enough said. I’m off, I’ll be back*
Posted by : Maya
Special Guest Appearance : Cakka Kawekas Nuraga
Some evil cliques (appreciate the laugh dudes, good job)
Jason Mraz
Related Links……………………….www.cakkanuraga.com
why are you still starring at my post? Go get some activities for god’s sake haha jk ttyl byebye,
Hey haha blog baru nih ckcks ahuahuaha lo bayangin aja deh ya gue udh ada krg lbh dengan jumlah 5 BIJI BLOG dan LUPA SEMUA PASSWORDNYA haha kunyuk abis mungkin ini yang ke enam kalinya dan jangan sampe deh ini lupa lagi kl gua lupa lagi keterlaluan abiss hahah yaya jadiiiii sekarang blog ini offIcially opened since nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww KIKIKKIK-_- yowes udahan duyu yac huhu eh tanda tangan dulu dong yaya biar resmi gt wakaka krik
Tuh udh. kiyUDh gak sih? Ohgod-_- yaudah dec babayaayayayayay:)