
An Alternate Ending

Hello again.

Practically, I’m getting bored of this welcome-to-the-teenagers-world-ha-ha. I wish life could be happier like fairy tales. Despite the fact that Cinderella was a poor little girl, who always be a crap to her stepmom and her step sisters, but at the end, a fairy godparent poofed up and helped her to find her true love. Finally, Cinderella discovered her prince charming and then they settled it with a kiss and they all lived happily ever after. Screw Cinderella. In reality, there’s no such thing as fairy godparent or even “lived happily ever after”. And the most of all, there is no such thing as talking mice and birds, because that would be gross. Well, that’s just suck. I wish there was a biddibipop-biddibi-boo fairy godparent that would be totally cool. Well back to Cinderella for example, she’s a vulnerable young lady who does nothing but crying all day long or making her stepmom’s bed. She barely fights back, and worse, she got nothing but her tender birds and mice. How could she get a prince charming? Just by crying all day long? Cinderella’s weak damn it. Back to reality, prince charming is hard to find. Nowadays, boys are so stuck up. I don’t really see any prince-charming-materials over some guys. Well, most of it. Like a womanizer. He thinks he’s all that, but he doesn’t know the fact that he’s a complete jerk. Put the blame on us, the girls. Boys like that are hard to resist. He could be such a gentleman, but then the next day he dumped you over a girl. That’s just f-ing ridiculous. A true love would never do that. A genuine true love, loves you just the way you are--even you are the most disgusting little blister you could ever seen. But you can’t run from the fact that true loves are hard to find these days. And then you ended up with the seducer-hard-to-resist-womanizers. It sucks like, a lot. Well, life as a vulnerable Cinderella is a lot easier than being a survived womanizer victim. Now, I wonder why womanizers are so irresistible. They think girls are just like disposable toys. If you bored with that one, you just simply throw it off and then replaced it with another one. You could do it over and over again until you puke at it. Like I’d give a shit. Well, that’s an objection to me. Girls are not that stupid. Girls could do better than crying. Girls are smarter that boys and yes, that’s a fact. That’s why in reality, there are lots of alternate endings. It depends on you. Whether it’s happy or not, the same “happily ever after” are so ten minutes from now. Prince charming? Who cares, there are lots of successful independent women that could stand up on their own. True love doesn’t have to be a prince charming anyway. So get lost, womanizers, just kiss yourselves goodbye. So long suckers.

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