
Do The Cramp

I would like to inform you that uas holiday is now in session. More like of a boring-nothing to do holiday or filled with remedials kind of holiday. That would be suck like, a lot. In case you haven’t notice, my last holiday was dull. Oh yeah, the last week of school wasn’t that bad. Monday, we had to sprint around the school’s grass-yard. 5 times. It’s like you were running for gazillion times so you can hardly breathe. So the next day, my entire body felt like cramping. I, for one, blame gym class for the whole reason. I was like a half-dead person, cramping for the whole time. An antaxia girl. A bunch of people called me that for the whole day. I was like wtf. All I can do was nothing. Ah-la-la-la-lame.Wed, the antaxia girl gone wild. The cramps were taking over my whole body, I can barely sit. My life was screwed that day. Awkay, Thursday, nothing. none. zip. and the cramp was gone far-far-far ah-way. doodle-riffic day thursday, I was doodling like every minute. You can see my masterpiece(s) from my facebook. prepare to be amazed peeps, or simply you could just puke without leaving any comments. everyone’s a critic. and friday, so friday night, so friday tight. the day was wonderful, before ‘someone’ punk’d me. ‘So you think that you could be the next ashton? Dream on’ hm hm hm. I see the world’s so depressing. I tell you why, because of the pranksters that’s why. Beware beware, dear innocent people, they’re everywhere. They could haunt your precious lives and practically ruin it with the evil laughs. They’d make you the most embarrassing person alive. beware or they’ll scare. Damn, what a drama queen. Holiday……… I bet my holiday would be suck as hell. Just like my last one. How about yours? Would it be suck too? I’ll tell you mine next week. Stay tuned.

I'd like to stay up late, spend hours on the phone
Hanging out with all my friends and never being at home
Im impolite and I make fun of everyone
Im immature but I will stay this way forever
Til the day I die
I promise I wont change”

-Simple Plan

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