
Eye Can(‘t) See You

Hey y’all. how is it goin’?

As you may know, my glasses was broken into pieces. So I’m back with those half-framed-guess that I wore about a year ago. Ding dong we have a winner! No need to yell, I suck big time I knew that. So as you can see, my mammoth Putri always mocking me ‘Katarak Girl’ For Example, you see this guy? I think he looks exactly like Budi Anduk. There’s no way I could be a Katarak Girl rite? There is a fatal mistake that makes Putri always, I Repeat Always calling me Katarak-Girl-Who-Doesn’t-See-Things-Clearly. That’s not obvious. that’s obnoxious. So buh bye full-frame-glasses

-of-mine and hello (again) boring old half framed glasses. Real glad to see you again.

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